The website www.thechromarty.com is executed by the company The Chromarty ANS, registered at St. Georgs vei 20, 0280 OSLO with registrations number 921233043


All personal information saved on the site will be handled with utmost care. The information that we store will not be sold or used for any purposes other than making sure you get the best service possible. It will solely be used for informing you about special offers and other marketing activities related to The Chromarty. When signing up to the The Chromarty newsletter, you will receive the This week with us, information and special offers from The Chromarty. The Chromarty's policy is to allow users to unsubscribe from our regular emails at any time. You can do this by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email you have received. You can also send an email contact@thechromarty.com if you want to be removed from our email list.

Data which is transferred to a third party is solely used in order to fulfill The Chromarty ´s obligations to you as a customer. The Chromarty may transfer data to The Chromarty’s sub-contractors in relation to deliveries (for example your address which is necessary information for our suppliers and shipping agents in order for them to deliver orders outside Norway). Personal data submitted through our newsletter sign-up will also be transferred to a third party (Rule Mailer), which is necessary in order to transact the newsletters.

The Chromarty only processes your data as long as it is necessary in order to carry out The Chromarty’s services, or during any period of time which is prescribed by law. After this, your data will be deleted.


The Chromarty may use cookies in order to provide a better service or identify which pages on the website are of special interest. A cookie is a small piece of information which a website stores via your web browser on your computer and which can later be retrieved. Cookies cannot be read by a website other than the one that set it. The main objective is to identify users and personalize their visit by customizing web pages for them, for example by welcoming them by name next time they visit the same website. Cookies are also used for statistical purposes and for allowing us to analyze traffic and behavior. Most cookies last only through one session or visit to our website. None will contain information that will enable anyone to contact you via telephone, e-mail, or any other means. You can set up your web browser to inform you when cookies are set or to prevent cookies form being set. This enables you to reject usage of this cookie or to tell your browser to erase the cookie at the end of your visit.

Our checkout solutions are provided by: Stripe

They use cookies to offer you the best possible, tailored, online experience when you use Stripe’s checkout. The exact information and purposes for which they are used can be found here:

Cookie Policy

Copyrights, Trademarks and Restrictions

All materials published on this website (including but not limited to articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips) are protected by copyrights which are owned and controlled by us or the party credited as the provider of the material. You shall abide by all copyright notices and other restrictions contained in any material accessed through the website. 

No material from this website or any website owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by us may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, modified, transmitted, or distributed in any way without our permission.


At the The Chromarty Online Store you are welcome to pay by credit card through Stripe.


Accepted credit cards are Visa, MasterCard, Diners and AMEX.


We are currently working on our shipping cost, please get in touch.

International shipments are handled by Bring and DHL.


We use Bring for deliveries within Norway. For international deliveries we customize each shipments as many countries have different set ups for returns. In any case, we will make sure the best service will be provided. Once you have placed you order with us, you will get an order confirmation. Normal time for deliveries within Norway is 1-3 working days. Normal time for deliveries internationally is 3-8 working days.

Note that The Chromarty s is not responsible for tax and duty costs for international orders. The customer making the order has full responsibility of making sure that they are fully informed of these costs.